Drew Long

Full Stack Software Engineer | React | Redux | JavaScript | Python | Express | Flask | SQLAlchemy | Docker | PostgreSQL | Sequelize

I love to dive into learning new coding topics! Anytime I have a free moment I am exploring new things to learn. I have experience creating projects using React / Redux, JavaScript, Python, Flask, Express, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, and other technologies. I've collaborated with other programmers to make Full-stack projects and pair programmed often. I find collaborating to be very valuable because it gives me a chance to learn from others and practice communicating what I have learned.


  • React
  • Redux
  • Flask
  • Express
  • JavaScript
  • Python


I have completed two solo fullstack apps and two group fullstack apps.

Recipe Plan

Recipe Plan is a full stack application that allows users to create recipes and make meal plans with the created recipes. Technologies utilized: React, Redux, JavaScript, Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy and Docker.

Live GitHub


ForeverNotes is a full stack clone of the note taking app EverNote. The app was made utilizing: React, Redux, JavaScript, Express, and Sequelize.

Live GitHub

Charity Tree

A group full-stack app where we created a Kickstarter clone specifically for charities. Technologies utilized: React, Redux, JavaScript, Python, Flask, SqlAlchemy, AWS, and Docker.

Live GitHub

Kettle Oveflow

Kettle Overflow was a group implementation of a Stack Overflow clone. The app was made utilizing: JavaScript, Express and Sequelize.

Live GitHub